Trade Master 9 Android HelpHistory


On this tab you can view the history of trade operations performed on a trading account. To switch to this tab, use the application side panel that opens at a tap on Open the side panel.

There are three operation viewing modes, including Orders, Deals, and Positions. You can switch between them at the top of the tab.

Orders #

The following summary information is displayed in the upper part: the number of filled and canceled orders and the total number of orders.

By default, only brief information about orders is shown here. To see more details, tap once on the order line.

History of Orders


  1. Symbol – a financial instrument of the order.
  2. Typetype of the order: "Buy", "Sell", "Sell Stop", "Sell Limit", "Buy Stop", "Buy Limit", "Buy Stop Limit" or "Sell Stop Limit".
  3. Time – the time when the order was placed by the trader. The record is represented as YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM ( hour:minute).
  4. Volume – volume requested in the order (in lots or units). The minimal volume and its change step are limited by a brokerage company, the maximal one – by the deposit size.
  5. Price – price specified in the order at which the trade operation should be executed;
  6. Stateresult of the order placing: "Filled", "Partially", "Canceled" etc.
  7. Execution time – order execution time. The record is represented as YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM ( hour:minute).
  8. Comment – a comment to the order. A comment can be added only when placing an order from the PC version of the Trade Master 9 platform. The comment cannot be changed when modifying an order. In addition, a comment on a trade operation can be added by a brokerage company. If the order was executed after the triggering of Stop Loss or Take Profit, the following comment is automatically added to it: [sl price] or [tp price].
  9. Order – ticket number (a unique identifier) of a trade operation.
  10. S/L – level of the placed Stop Loss order. If a trade position has been closed by Stop Loss, the order is colored in red. If the order has not been placed, a zero value is displayed.
  11. T/P – level of the set Take Profit order. If a trade position has been closed by Take Profit, the order is colored in green. If the order has not been placed, a zero value is displayed.

History of Deals

Deals #

The results of deal execution over the selected period appear at the bottom part:

  • Deposit – the amount of deposits/withdrawals.
  • Profit – the amount of profit/loss of deals for the selected period (swaps and commissions are not included).
  • Swap – the amount of added/charged swaps.
  • Commission – the amount of commissions taken for execution of deals.
  • Balance – the total balance on operation executed for the selected period.

By default, only brief information about deals is shown here. To see more details, tap once on the deal line.


  1. Symbol – a financial instrument of the deal.
  2. Type – type of a trade operation: "Buy" – a buy deal, "Sell" – a sell deal, "Balance" – a balance operation.
  3. Direction – direction of the deal relative to the current position on a particular symbol: "in", "out" or "in/out".
  4. Time – time of the deal. The record is represented as YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM ( hour:minute).
  5. Volume – volume of an executed deal (in lots or units).
  6. Price – the deal was executed at;
  7. Profit – the financial result of position exiting. For entry deals, zero profit is shown.
  8. Comment – a comment to the deal. A comment can be added only when placing an order from the PC version of the Trade Master 9 platform. The comment cannot be changed when modifying an order. In addition, a comment on a trade operation can be added by a brokerage company. If the deal was executed after the triggering of Stop Loss or Take Profit, the following comment is automatically added to it: [sl price] or [tp price].
  9. Deal – ticket number (a unique identifier) of a deal.
  10. Order – ticket number (a unique identifier) the trade was executed on. Several deals can correspond to one order, if the required volume specified in the order was not covered by one market offer.
  11. Swap – the size of the swap.
  12. Commission – commission charged for the deal execution.
  13. Fee – separate fee charged by the broker in addition to commission.

If a deal was executed as a result of triggering of Stop Loss, it is colored in red. If Take Profit triggered, the deal is colored in green.

Positions #

The platform collects data on deals related to a position (position opening, additional volume, partial and full closure), and then combines the data into one record providing the following details:

  • Position opening and closing time determined by the first and last trade respectively
  • Position volume. If part of the position was closed, the record contains the closed volume and the initial volume
  • The weighted average open and close prices of the position
  • The total financial result of deals related to the position (swaps and commissions are not included)

To display the trading history in the form of positions, the platform uses information about deals executed during the requested period. A position is included into the report only if its opening date or closing date falls within the selected period. If a position was opened before the start of the selected time period and was closed after its end, this position will not be included in the report.

Positions closed by Stop Loss or Take Profit are marked with red and green vertical lines.

The History of Positions

Customize the History Appearance

Customize the History Appearance #

You can configure the depth of the history of deals. To go to settings,

Tap Customize the History Appearance and choose the period of trade operations that will be shown in the history. You can specify either one of the predefined periods, or set your own one (tap "Select period"). In the second case, you will need to enter the beginning and end of the period.

To sort trading operations, tap Sorting on the top panel.

Trading operations can be sorted by symbol, ticket, profit, as well as open and close times. For a reverse sorting by the selected parameter, tap on it again.